Scientific   Guidelines  


The Scientific Committee of 6th National Conference of Family Medicine & Primary Care (FMPC) 2024 welcomes the submission of abstracts for oral and poster presentations.
  • Abstract submission starts -25th March 2024.
  • Last date for abstract submission - 15th August 2024
  • Themes for abstract Submission

  • Non-Communicable Disease
  • Maternal and child health
  • Geriatric Medicine
  • Digital Health/Artificial intelligence in health/e-Health
  • Geographical Information System in Health
  • Mental Health
  • Trauma & Musculo - Skeletal Disorders
  • Adolescent Health
  • Holistic Health
  • Medical Ethics
  • Public Health Nutrition
  • Public Health Surveillance
  • One Health
  • Recent updates in Primary Care & Family Medicine
  • Public centric Health approach
  • Integrated medicine with primary care.
  • Adult Immunization
  • Yoga & Wellness
  • Surgical interventions in Family Medicine
  • Neurological Disorders in Family Medicine
  • Emergencies in Family Medicine
  • Miscellaneous
  • Abstract Submission Guidelines for Oral Presentation/ Poster Presentation:

  • All the delegates submitting the abstract must have registered for the conference.
  • Abstract must be submitted via online submission portal on website only
  • Abstract submissions are invited for the topics listed in the themes with a word limit of 300 words.
  • The abstract Font type should be Times New Roman and size should be 12 points, with double spacing in word document file format.
  • The first author will be considered as the presenting author
  • One author can present only one oral/poster presentation.
  • Abstract should be structured under the sub headings: Conference registration ID, Title, Background, Objectives, Methodology, Results, Conclusion, Key words (3-5).
  • The title of the abstract must be concise. Avoid using abbreviations (except for standard abbreviations).
  • Do not include Images, Graphs or Tables in the abstract.
  • You can consult following reporting guidelines as per the design of your study, for preparation of your abstract and scientific presentation.
  •     1. Reports of randomised trials -CONSORT Guidelines
       2. Studies of diagnostic accuracy -STARD guidelines
       3. Observational studies (cohort, case-control, or cross-sectional designs) -STROBE guidelines
       4. Genetic association studies -STREGA guidelines
       5. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses -PRISMA guidelines.

    Abstract Scoring Criteria

  • Abstract submitted for the conference must be an original idea, concept, or an improvement or revision of an old idea.
  • Abstract will not be considered if previously presented and/or published as a manuscript or abstract at any national or international conference prior to the scheduled date of the FMPC 2024.
  • Abstract submitted will be assigned to reviewers and no changes to content will be allowed to be made (submitted abstract) after the submission deadline
  • Scoring criteria for abstract acceptance/non-acceptance are as follows:
  •    A. Scientific Merit - direction toward the development of a new or improved diagnostic procedure or idea.
       B. Content- correct, organized, easy to understand.
       C. Practicality of research work – ethical, logical, acceptable and feasible.
       d. Technical quality - Facts and data should have scientific relevance.
  • The Scientific Committee will review the abstracts and confirmation regarding the acceptance and mode of presentation will be communicated through email to the presenting author.
  • The scientific committee reserves the right to accept/reject any paper without assigning any reason thereof. In all instances, the decision of the committee will be full and final.
  • The Scientific Committee reserves the right to reproduce the abstract in FMPC 24 souvenir in print or electronic media
  • For Enquiry, Contact at WhatsApp no +91 9655007473 and scientificfmpc24@gmail.com